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Fire Extinguisher Prices
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  • 4.5kg Dry Chemical Fire Extinguisher4.5kg Dry Chemical Fire Extinguishers

    4.5kg Dry Chemical Fire Extinguisher

    Original price was: $130.00.Current price is: $55.70.

    Our 4.5kg Dry Chemical Fire Extinguishers are suited to residential, commercial and industrial environments that have mixed fire hazards including fire classes A, B and E. This is a great multi purpose fire extinguisher that delivers a fantastic level of fire protection while still being compact enough to be used by anyone and installed in to smaller areas. Buy our high quality 4.5kg dry chemical fire extinguishers online and save over 50% at this amazingly cheap price.

  • BE Dry Chemical Fire Extinguisher9 kg Dry Chemical Fire Extinguisher ABE

    9kg Dry Chemical Fire Extinguisher ABE

    Original price was: $180.00.Current price is: $87.90.

    Our 9.0kg Dry Chemical Fire Extinguisher ABE is the largest in our range of portable dry chemical powder ABE fire extinguishers and comes complete with hose and a wall bracket for easy installation. This extinguisher is for industrial and commercial applications including factories, workshops, offices, earth moving equipment, construction equipment, trucks and boats.

  • 2.5kg Dry Chemical Fire ExtinguisherDry Chemical Fire Extinguisher Classes 1

    2.5kg Dry Chemical Fire Extinguisher ABE

    Original price was: $95.00.Current price is: $47.90.

    2.5kg Fire Extinguisher ABE Car Truck Bus Office Shop is suitable for fire protection needs of offices and vehicles. It is the perfect combination of size, cost and fire fighting effectiveness.

  • ABE Fire Extinguisher Sign

    Original price was: $20.00.Current price is: $10.00.


    • Width  190mm
    • Height 190mm
  • Fire Extinguisher Sign

    Original price was: $20.00.Current price is: $10.00.


    • Width 150mm
    • Height 225mm
  • 1kg Fire Extinguisher ABE with hose Home Car Caravan Dry Chemical Fire Extinguishers Classes

    1kg Fire Extinguisher ABE with Home Car Caravan

    Original price was: $60.00.Current price is: $26.90.

    The 1.0kg Fire Extinguisher ABE with hose Home Car Caravan is one of the smallest of our range of fire extinguishers, but still packs enough power to handle a small fire. This is a compact fire extinguisher and is very ideal to place in your car, yacht or caravan and it comes along with a steel mounting vehicle bracket. This is also great to have around for those business owners who want a fire extinguisher in their place in case of a fire emergency.


    • 1.0kg Fire Extinguisher ABE with hose Home Car Caravan
    • Fire Extinguisher maintenance tag/test tag
    • Steel Mounting Vehicle Bracket
  • 5kg CO2 Fire Extinguisher Aluminium Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguisher Classes 1

    5kg CO2 Fire Extinguisher Aluminium

    Original price was: $260.00.Current price is: $180.00.

    The 5kg CO2 Fire Extinguisher is the largest of our portable CO2 Fire Extinguisher range.  It is perfect those areas that have a large amount of electrical equipment such as sever rooms, computer rooms or rooms that have power distribution boards. It has the highest extinguishing capability of the C02 range and has an excellent smothering capability which will suffocate a fire before it has a chance to take hold.

    Includes: 5kg CO2 Fire Extinguisher, Fire Extinguisher maintenance tag/test tag, wall bracket

  • 3.5kg CO2 Fire Extinguisher Aluminium Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguisher Classes 1

    3.5kg CO2 Fire Extinguisher Aluminium

    Original price was: $240.00.Current price is: $160.00.

    3.5kg CO2 Fire Extinguishers provide a very effective solution for fighting electrical fires. 3.5kg CO2 Fire Extinguishers are ideal for fighting fires in areas containing computers and electrical equipment as they don’t cause any harm to electrical goods.

    Includes: 3.5kg CO2 Fire Extinguisher, Fire Extinguisher maintenance tag/test tag, wall bracket

  • Large Fire Extinguisher UV Plastic Cover up to 9kg extinguishers

    Original price was: $25.00.Current price is: $12.00.


    • Height 750mm
    • Width  390mm
    • Weight   0.2kg

    *Please note that the bags are pictured with the fire extinguisher inside to represent their application. The fire extinguisher is not included!


  • 2kg Dry Chemical Powder Fire Extinguisher ABE Dry Chemical Fire Extinguisher Classes 1

    2kg Dry Chemical Powder Fire Extinguisher ABE

    Original price was: $90.00.Current price is: $50.00.

    Our 2kg Dry Chemical Powder Fire Extinguisher ABE is suitable for fire protection needs of your offices and vehicles. It is the perfect combination of size, cost and fire fighting effectiveness. The 2kg Dry Chemical Powder fire extinguisher is ideal for larger offices, retail shops as well as buses and trucks. It comes equipped with a flexible rubber hose which allows delivery of the powder to  hard to access places in your shop, office or vehicle including your car, truck, bus, caravan or boat.


  • Water Fire Extinguisher Water Fire Extinguisher Classes

    9 Litre Water Fire Extinguisher

    Original price was: $200.00.Current price is: $118.00.

    9 Litre Water Fire Extinguisher

    Water and Foam extinguishers are a low cost effective method to combat Class B fires. Both water and foam fire extinguishers are effective by reducing the temperature of the burning fuel so it is below its ignition point. They can also be used for Class A fires which include wood, plastic, textiles, and paper.

    Water fire extinguishers should never be used on fires that involve live electrical equipment.

  • Fire Blanket 1.2mx1.8m

    1.2m x 1.8m Fire Blanket

    Original price was: $52.00.Current price is: $32.00.

    1.2m x 1.8m Fire Blankets are ideal for use in kitchens, caravans, boats and other places where cooking fats and oils are present and have potential for igniting.  They are suitable for small Class F fire risks and can also be used in a situation where someones clothing catches fire. Fire Blankets are ideal for use in kitchens and other places where cooking fats and oils are present, and have potential for igniting. They are suitable for small Class F fire risks and can also be used in a situation where someones clothing catches fire.

  • 1.5 kg Dry Chemical Powder ABE Dry Chemical Fire Extinguisher Classes 1

    1.5kg Dry Chemical Powder Fire Extinguisher ABE

    Original price was: $77.00.Current price is: $40.00.

    Our 1.5kg Dry Chemical Powder Fire Extinguisher ABE with the outstanding rating: 2A:30B:E is one of the smallest of our range of fire extinguishers, but still packs enough power to handle a small fire. This is a compact fire extinguisher and is very ideal to place in your car, yacht or caravan and it comes along with a wall bracket / vehicle bracket. This is also great to have around for those business owners who want a fire extinguisher in their place in case of a fire emergency.


  • Small Fire Extinguisher UV Plastic Cover up to 4.5kg extinguishers

    Original price was: $20.00.Current price is: $10.00.

    Our Small Fire Extinguisher UV Plastic Covers are available Australia Wide

    • Height 550mm
    • Width  330mm
    • Weight   0.1kg

    *Please note that the bags are pictured with the fire extinguisher inside to represent their application. The fire extinguisher is not included!


  • Fire Blanket 1mx1m

    1m x 1m Fire Blanket

    Original price was: $36.00.Current price is: $22.00.

    1m x 1m fire blankets are ideal for use in kitchens, caravans, boats and other places where Class F fires involving cooking fats and oils are present and have potential for igniting.

    Fire blankets are ideal for use in kitchens and other places where cooking fats and oils are present, and have potential for igniting.

    They can also be used in a situation where someones clothing catches fire.

  • Fire Blanket 1.8mx1.8m

    1.8m x 1.8m Fire Blanket

    Original price was: $65.00.Current price is: $42.00.

    Our 1.8m x 1.8m fire blankets are ideal for use in kitchens, caravans, boats and other places where cooking fats and oils are present and have potential for igniting.

    Fireblankets are ideal for use in kitchens and other places where cooking fats and oils are present, and have potential for igniting.

    They are suitable for small Class F fire risks and can also be used in a situation where someones clothing catches fire.